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  1. 2014.03.07 Here is the room where the Internet was born

    You wondered where the Internet was born?

    There, right there, in that small room. About how many revolutions are we able to say precisely where it all began? For the Internet revolution, it is simple: 3420 Boelter Hall, a small room isolated on the UCLA (University of California - Los Angeles) campus.

    It is this machine that was the first node of the ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet as we know it today. The first message was broadcast from here, to another node located at Stanford University. If the genesis of the web is now relatively well known, it is always interesting to know precisely where it all began.

    A small isolated room in UCLA campus (Source :

    A MIT student had developped a mathematical theory

    While a student at MIT, Leonard Kleinrock had developed a mathematical theory of information exchange divided into packets through a network. An extremely interesting theory on which ogled quickly ARPA - the ancestor of the DARPA -. The agency sought a team to set up such a network, and Bolt Beranek and Newman conceived some time later the "Interface Message Processor" (IMP), the first ever router, located at 3420 Boelter Hall, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).

    Milestone in Electrical Engineering and Computing (Source :

    On 29th of October 1969, they tried to send the message "LOGIN" to another node on the campus of Stanford University. After typing "LO", the system crashed. - Not a bad first message of the Internet, right ? -. A few hours later, another attempt proved successful. Two months later, four nodes were permanently installed between - UCLA and Stanford: the University of Utah and the University of California at Santa Barbara -. In 1975, there were 57 IMP, in 81: 213. Subsequently, we know it ...

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