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  1. The book of Patrick Kelly

    Excerpt of Preface written by Patrick J. Kelly

    Here is a small amount of background information in order that you can understand the nature of this “ Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices ”.

    I am just an ordinary person who became interested in “free-energy” as a result of a television programme entitled ‘It Runs on Water’ shown in the 1980s by a UK television company called ‘Channel 4’. This programme has since been put on the internet and at this time can be seen at From my point of view, the content of this documentary seemed to be rather unsatisfactory as it suggested quite a number of very interesting things but gave no real hard and fast specifics for the viewer to follow up on to investigate the subject further. However, it had the enormous benefit of making me aware that there was such a thing as “free-energy”.


    After a long period of searching and investigating I was beginning to gather enough information to be fairly confident of what was being done, what had already been achieved, and some of the possible background reasons for the effects which were being observed. Early in 2005 I decided that as I had encountered so much difficulty and had to put in so much effort to find out the basics of “free-energy” that it could be helpful to others if I shared what I had found out. So I wrote the first edition of this presentation and created a simple web site to make it available to others. Of course, this body of information is not static – on the contrary, it is very fast-moving. Consequently, this information digest is updated and refined typically once or twice per week. The present form of presentation is the third style of layout which has been used as the volume of material has increased.

    Download the book of Patrick J. Kelly
    version 24.8  released on 30 december 2013